Teen Therapy

Safe haven for the soul

You may have arrived here because…

  • As a parent, you love your kid, but don’t know how to help

  • It hurts you to see them suffering

  • They are anxious, stressed, depressed, and feeling hopeless

  • They may be unmotivated and struggling in school

  • Your child is engaging in increasingly more risky behavior and acting out

  • They may be gong through a major transition, such as a divorce, a death of a loved one, or something else traumatic.

  • Your kid struggles with a porn addiction

teen therapy

You child is worth being seen, heard and supported during this process.

Provide strategies to reduce hopelessness and anxiety and learn to emotionally regulate themselves

Develop healthy coping strategies in the midst of experiencing something difficult and painful

Assist teenagers in understanding themselves and grow in self-esteem, restoring confidence in who they are.

Provide a safe place where they feel completely accepted and learn to compassionately love themselves more

Learn to identify their underlying emotions and express themselves appropriately